Thursday, November 8, 2007

No Rest For The Wicked

Today will be a busy day. Right now, the upholstery in the RV is being steam cleaned and deodorized. I’m not sure how long that will take, but when it is done, then Kim and I have to go back to Coon Valley to pick out wood flooring to replace the linoleum that is in the kitchen and bathroom (yes, we’re spending more money). Then, we are going to drop off a bunch of toys and clothes that we are donating to victims of the recent flooding.

I’m hoping we can get all of this done by noon. When we get this stuff done, then I have to get a P.O. Box for our mail, submit a forwarding order, and pick up some empty boxes at the local hardware store (Nelson’s Agri-Center). We need the boxes so we can start packing up the house.

That’s the plan. What do you think the odds are that I’ll get everything done?

UPDATE: Things didn't go exactly as planned, but by the end of the day, I got everything done. Tomorrow is going to be another busy day. T-minus 10 days and counting. Time is sure moving fast.

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