Monday, November 5, 2007

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

I’m having trouble getting going today. I’m still not feeling great, but I need to get things done. I went out to the RV and removed the last of the carpet staples. The sub-floor is ready to paint, but I’m having trouble working up the ambition to do it. I’m falling behind schedule and I don’t like it.

Kim is alone in the office today. Roger is still combining (harvesting) his corn, so Kim had to go in and hold down the fort. She needs to start spending more time at home getting ready for our road trip, but she had to be at the office today. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Maybe it’s the weather that’s making me unambitious today. It was hailing this morning and then it started snowing this afternoon. It’s just one of those gray Midwestern winter days. It’s the first we’ve seen this year, but I’m sure it won’t be the last. Hopefully, we’ll be on the road and heading south before we get too many more days like today.

Okay, here’s what I’m going to do. I have to pick the kids up at school in about 45 minutes. After I pick them up, I’ll come back home and start painting. That’s the plan. Let’s see how things work out.

UPDATE: Well, things didn’t work out as planned. After I picked up the kids, Kim and I had to go to Coon Valley to pick out carpet. The carpet has to be ordered right away in order to have it delivered by next week when it is supposed to be installed. Although we looked at the carpet, we did not finalize our choice. I’m hoping we can still do that tonight so the carpet can be ordered first thing in the morning.

So it looks like tomorrow will be painting day. I hope I can summon up enough ambition to get things done tomorrow.

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