Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What's In A Name?

Early on, we started referring to the RV as The Big Rolling Turd in honor of the motorhome in the movie RV. It was a funny name and it seemed especially appropriate considering the poor condition of the RV’s interior.

Since then, we’ve had the interior of the RV steam cleaned and put in new carpet and laminate flooring. The interior has also been cleaned from top to bottom. It’s not brand new, but the RV looks (and smells) a heck of a lot better than it did when we bought it.

Our friend Caryl Holthouse suggested that maybe we have been having so much bad luck because of the negative name we had given to the RV. It makes sense. Think negative thoughts, get negative results. Think positive thoughts, get positive results.

With that in mind, we have stopped calling the RV The Big Rolling Turd. We are currently looking for a new name. My suggestion was “Kerouac,” in honor of Jack Kerouac, the author of the great book, On The Road. However, I couldn’t get any agreement from my family. Kim said the name gives her the creeps and Shelby said Kerouac sounds like a drug. Louis thought it was a monster, as in “Run away from the Kerouac.”

So I’m not going to get my way with the new name, but my unenlightened and overly-critical family can’t come up with a new name of their own. That’s where you come in. We are inviting all of our loyal readers (both of you) to chime in on a new name for our RV. If we like the name you come up with and we decide to use it, we’ll probably claim that we came up with the name ourselves, but at least you’ll know that you were involved.

Let us know what you think we should call the RV. Remember, we want positive results, so the name you suggest should be positive.

Good luck, and as always, please, no wagering.


Anonymous said...

I vote for "Home, Sweet Home."

KenJ said...

How about the obvious-the Mindar Mobile

KenJ said...

Named for great Kingsmen song Louie Louie?

Unknown said...

Marilyn Lester said...

Our Four Hearts

KenJ said...

In Pursuit of Happiness-it could be happy for short

KenJ said...

Lou's Cruise

KenJ said...

Mindar's Windcar?

KenJ said...

What about?
Mindar afar
Mindar Estate Car
I especially like
Mindar au revoir

Paul B said...

How about Hell on Wheels, the Money Pit or the Deerslayer? Whooooops, I forgot we were working on the positive ones.

Anonymous said...

Just drop the "Turd".

The Big Rolling

Anonymous said...

FAB- Family's Adventure Base

FAM- Family's Adventure Motorhome

TAB- Travel Adventure Base

Jerry H. said...

How 'bout "Buck" in honor of the deer creamed!

Lou Mindar said...

Thanks for all of the great names (and the other ones too :-). Keep them coming. At some point we'll choose a new name.

Anonymous said...

Reading one of your recent blogs triggered an RV name for me. You mentioned that it's like you were young birds out for your first flight, which made me think of Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Freebird".
I think the lyrics suit you guys --

"For I must be travelling on now, 'cause there's too many places I've got to see..."

Jerry H. said...

Yeah! Freebird! That's a good one.

Jerry H. said...

Yeah! Freebird! That's a good one.

Paul B said...

How about Our V? Get it?

Anonymous said...

Mindar's Madness.