It’s Friday night and Shelby and I are sitting in Panera’s in Jensen Beach, Florida. It’s not exciting, but it’s good to be in the warmth of Florida. It’s also good to be visiting with my parents for a while.
On our way to Florida, we decided to skip our trips to Birmingham, AL and Atlanta in favor of seeking the shelter of Mom and Dad’s house. We’re kind of like young birds out for our first flight. It’s good to be out on our own, but it sure is nice to know when there is trouble, we can fly back to the safety of our nest. The only difference is we aren’t young anymore (and we don’t eat worms). Even so, it sure is nice to have Mom and Dad’s place to use as a port in a storm.
I spoke to my friend Neil Wallace today. We were supposed to stop in Birmingham to see Neil and his wife Gail. As it turns out, Neil is in Chattanooga right now refereeing the Division I-AA national football championship between Appalachian State and Delaware State. It’s an honor to be picked to ref such a high profile game. Congratulations, Neil. You must be doing a good job. Of course, that’s no surprise. You always do.
Tomorrow we will be visiting my sister and her family in Wellington (near West Palm Beach). The weather is supposed to cool off tomorrow (down into the 60’s), so the kids are kind of bummed that they won’t be able to swim. I know all of our friends back in Wisconsin feel REALLY bad for us. They are dealing with a foot-and-a-half of snow on the ground, high winds, and temps in the single digits. I guess temps in the 60’s here in Florida aren’t so bad (although I’ll probably have to trade in the shorts for jeans – boo hoo…).
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