Tuesday, February 26, 2008

FAQ About Our Move

My last post probably created more questions than it answered. So here are some questions and answers about the move.

What about the agency? I meant to say something about this before, but I forgot. I’ll be keeping the agency. I’ll be splitting my time between Viroqua and Tennessee. It’s not a perfect solution, but I’m going to do my best to make it work. The year has started out unusually well for the agency (January and February are usually REALLY slow), so I’d like to keep the momentum going. Eventually, I’d also like to get a cabin and a few acres in Viroqua where I can stay when I’m there and where we can spend time in the summer. All in due time…

What’s going to happen to the RV? I’m not sure yet. Since we won’t be living in it any more, I’m tempted to sell it. However, I’ve also thought about keeping it for weekend trips. Tennessee has a lot of really great state parks we could explore, so the RV could come in handy. On the other hand (or is it the first hand?), if we sold it, the money would come in handy. As you can tell, I don’t have any idea what we are going to do with the RV.

Are the kids going back to “regular” school? Yes. In fact, the Lascassass Elementary School (grades K-8) is just behind the house we are renting.

What about the blog? I can’t live without the blog. Will you keep writing your blog? I think I will. Our road trip may be over, but our mutual adventure through life continues. If you’ll keep reading, I’ll keep writing.

Why do you move so often? Good question. I wish I knew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When do you leave Florida? Are we going to have to wait another few years to see you all again? Will you stay in touch or are you done with Florida?